Fresh Bread


The righteous acts of the Holy Ones.

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Love is to give.

Hate is to take.

To receive hate, is to love.

To take love, is to hate.

So if you receive love and give hate,

You do not love.

But if you give love and receive hate,

You love.

Can one love and not hate?

Or hate and not love?

Whether you love hate or hate love,

It is better to love love,

Than to hate hate.

So kiss-kiss and hug-hug,

If you want to love love.

And better still love to love love,

Than to love love.

"Love you always," says the ignorant.

"Love you now," says the wise.

"How much do you love me?" says the unloved.

"I am in love," says the beloved.

When you truly love someone,

It is because they truly love you.

If either does not love,

It is not true love.

It is a one-sided love,

Therefore, not true love.

For there must be two,

To be in love.

One can not love,

If there is nothing to love.

God is one:

And has no other to love.

That is the ultimate love:

To be the only one,

So no one else can be that one.

So if one is taken,

Two remains and so on.

Love and be vain.

That is God's gift to man.

However, remember:

It is God's will,

To those who know Him.