Fresh Bread

Original File

To view the outside

View the folded up Cross

Matthew 10: 38. -- 16: 24. --1st Corinthians 1: 18. -- Galatians 6: 14. -- Ephesians 2: 16. -- Philippians 3: 18.

Matthew 10: 6. -- 15: 24. -- 18: 11. -- Luke 15: 4-32. -- 19: 10. -- John 17: 12. -- 18: 9. -- 2nd Corinthians 4: 3. -- 1st Timothy 2:4.

NB. Please do not get confused by the second dimension (squares) and the third dimension (cubes) or pyramids.

Original file.

Pearl circumference calculations.

Original file.

Pearl circumference calculations.

Original File.

Calculations of sphere.

Original File.


Original File.

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Original File.


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Original File.

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Original File.

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 The Holy Spirit.

Original File

Luke 17: 26. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.